Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Some notes from our Training - Mike, Steen and Marilyn:

Firstly, I think you all understand how UNO Start works. It's very simple. I think it's so simple that I guess it could trip people up in it's simplicity, because they expect it to be harder or more complex!

The main thing we shared was encouraging you all to not look to UNO Start as a money maker in itself. Nope! If you need the funds you receive just to pay your monthly fee for BBS, then by all means, use it... but other than that this is what we encourage:

Use the funds you earn to buy extra positions under your downline. If you see someone that only needs a couple to complete their little matrix, then buy them. This will cause them to "advance to the next level" into BBS and pay you out $48. Once you receive that, do the same again... look for someone else in your downline and help them advance. And, so it goes on.

As folk advance over into your BBS, you will now be picking up on all the residual commissions each and every month. This will be worth so much more to you than anything you could ever make from UNO.

So, UNO Start is a great little program for only once off $11, but will pay you over and over and over.

Consider buying more memberships in UNO because what you earn will be doubled, tripled etc according to how many memberships you own. Don't go wild ofcourse, but consider 4.

Think of it as money you would or could normally spend on advertising. Often people spend money on advertising and make nothing in return... but with this, you pick and choose how and when to spend so that you cause members to complete their little matrix, and you get paid. Whoppeee!

The main thing is... learn to think outside of the square... on the best ways to make UNO Start work for you.

Warm regards

Saturday, December 20, 2008

UNO 2 Diamond Explanation

I would like to explain about UNO Start in such a way that if you are a brand new person coming straight off some advertising, you can understand what we are doing!

To begin with... our main company is called BBS Global Diamond Elite. A program that has been created to help the average marketer to become a much better marketer! Yes, that's right... a program that teaches and trains through online seminars that will help you no matter what business you are currently in.

During the month of January 2009, we will be launching a new program which is designed to be a powerful tool to accelerate BBS Global Diamond Elite.

Let me explain:

First up, UNO is not a cycler, but a TOOL to use to build your BBS business. It's important that you realise this.

The cost is just $11 once off... ONCE OFF... no monthly payments.

It's made up of a little 3 x 2 matrix.. that's just 12 members in all.

As a BBS member, you receive once you complete the matrix:
  • $40 cash
  • One re-entry into UNO Start
As a Brand new member, you receive once you complete the matrix:
  • One automatic paid entry into BBS Global DE
  • $20 cash
  • One re-entry into UNO Start
If you choose to use the cash to pay for the following month (that's 2 months paid BBS) your Sponsor will pay for your 3rd month.

(Sponsor can do this because they will receive $17 back as a FSB when you join BBS... so it will only cost them $3)

If you decide to add another $60 to that ... that is, pay an extra 3 months upfront into BBS, you will receive a gift voucher.

Gift Vouchers can either be:
  • 3 free days/nights in the Mariott Hotel Chains ... or
  • Free Groceries ... or
  • Free Fuel
All these will be for North America and the Carribean.

For members living elsewhere in the world, you can use these vouchers to entice other Americans/Canandians/Carribeans to join your business :-)

As a Sponsor, you will receive:
  • $1 for each new personally sponsored member
  • $30 when that member completes their matrix
  • $17 when that member joins BBS Global DE
That's a total of $48 per member.

Don't be afraid to use that $17 to encourage your new member to pay for more months in DE.

We will be using these vouchers to reward good work. For example, we will be doing things like:
  • Person who attends the most trainings or conferences
  • Person who finds 2 new members within a one month period
and a whole lot more. We will find all sorts of interesting things to offer them for... but it will always reward good habits! More on this later.

Buying extra Memberships
Further memberships create extra income... simple as that.

One membership = $40 + re-entry
Two memberships = $80 + 2 re-entries
Three memberships = $120 + 3 re-entries
Four memberships = $160 + 4 re-entries

It's up to you. Four memberships will cover 8 months of your DE membership at a cost of just $44 to you.

How do I register?
We are taking the names of interested persons right now. This is what you must do...

  • To begin with, you need to open a free account with PayItGlobal (PIG). This is a payment processor owned by BBS Global Diamond Elite. .
  • Then transfer funds into your new PIG account according to how many memberships you would like to purchase in UNO Start.

  • Transfer the funds from your PIG account to our Holding PIG Account called Uno2Diamond. It is as simple as going into your PIG account and looking under the "Payments Menu". Click on "Send Payment". Fill in uno2diamond; the amount you wish to transfer, and write thefollowing in the Description Box:
- Your full name
- Your Diamond Elite Sponsor's name (If you have one, or please tell us who referred you)
- Your email address
  • You can purchase 1,2,3 or 4 memberships at $11 each. Even more if you really want to.

Do not be concerned whether your sponsor has joined or not as we will be able to sort all of that out. Just give us the information when transferring the funds.

Uno2Diamond is simply a holding PIG account and it's being used to show you are serious. It will hold your funds up until the time of joining. Funds will be transferred back into your account when it comes time to actually join.

We are very excited about this. At this point in time, it is expected to launch towards the early part of January... but please don't hold me to this :-)

There will be no pre-launch other than us gathering the names of interested persons.

Warm regards